Edwin and Amy got married on December 16, 2007. We fell madly in love, not only because we were super attracted to each other but because we were both in love with God and passionately serving in our respective ministries. Of significance was our desire to become missionaries somewhere in Asia, which led us to venture out onto the mission field in 2010. Here's a little background:
Edwin was born in San Francisco. After serving as a Fleet Marine Force Navy Corpsman and deploying for Operation Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom out of Camp Pendleton, Edwin got a promotion and became the janitor at New Song Community Church in California. While cleaning bathrooms and ministering to the homeless, he earned his bachelor's degree from Biola University and went on to complete his master's degree at Fuller Theological Seminary and was ordained. He would later earn an MBA in International Development from HIU. He now has a Doctorate in Missiology. His dissertation is titled: The Missiological Implications of Lay-led Pre-Hospital Community Life Support Among Underserved People Groups. Edwin is the founder of the International Service Corps of Asia, but functions today simply as one of its volunteers and advisors, no longer holding the head position. He is the Chief Medic and Operator of the ambulance agency Hope Rescue EMS and a PADI Divemaster, SSI Assistant Instructor, and NAUI Instructor with Hope Dive Society. He is also vocationally trained as a Certified Surgical Technologist, an EMT-B and Paramedic, an American Heart Association Instructor, and a TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages) Certified Teacher.
Before Amy served as a master trainer with DCPI (Dynamic Church Planting International), she graduated from Millsaps College and went on to Wesley Biblical Seminary. She transferred to Azusa Pacific University in California and earned a master's degree in theology while working at DCPI. She has been in ministry all her life thanks to her family who had planted or pastored churches in California, Texas, and Mississippi. Amy finds it challenging to identify with a particular culture (unlike her family that describes themselves as southern) because of her transient life and extensive travel around the world in a number of capacities to serve Jesus Christ. She runs the Member Care division of our team and utilizes her training with personality typing to coach people in our network and the communities we serve. She conducts training for corporate entities through an Executive Performance Coaching Program that is used as an outreach tool and to help churches and mission groups.
Our son Josiah was born in Natchez, Mississippi on September 10, 2009. He is on the cross-country and track and field team and earned his first varsity letter as a freshman in high school. He also followed in his grandfather’s footsteps to play the electric guitar. He gets his theater and acting talent from his mother. And he is an advanced scuba diver going through the ranks as his father did. He hopes to use his passion in computer animation and engineering in ministry and desires to attend a Christian university.
Amalie was born on January 16, 2014 in Manila, Philippines. She is an athletic child who loves gymnastics and dancing. She is in her school’s drama team and loves performing in front of people. She has a creative side to her and loves arts and crafts. She even helps her father at the school’s pool by putting on scuba gear and cleaning out the bottom. Her adventurous and free-spirited nature makes it easy for her to make friends.
Our Mission
To be witnesses - imitators of God - who serve, make disciples and teach people to obey Jesus' commands (Acts 1:8, Ephesians 5, Mark 10:44-45, Matthew 28:19-20). We worship God and introduce others to Him. We are committed to serving the Church. But most importantly, we are all about God's plan to build His Kingdom. Our approach is a holistic one, leading us to focus on community development projects in order to exhibit the love of Christ and to build relationships. Christian, inter-denominational partnerships are a high priority so you will not hear us reference affiliations to particular doctrinal creeds. However, we adhere to general evangelical beliefs that you can explore here in our mission organization's website. A principle we follow is earning the right to speak the truth. Our hearts are for the poor, though we will invest in anyone no matter what socio-economic background they come from.
Philosophy of Ministry - Everything we do as ministers always leads to...
living and loving as Christ among underserved, unreached people groups, and multiplying the talents God has granted us for the sake of the Kingdom.
Mission Statement as it relates to the International Service Corps of Asia (non-profit organization)
To empower people for community transformation by providing education, resources, and opportunities to serve.
“Empowering People, Transforming Communities”
What We're passionate about
Creative Arts: writing, painting, sewing, acting/drama/talking to husband
Museums, especially European Art in the Baroque Period
Public speaking and preaching
Discipling young Christians
Spanish period pieces or biopics...but really they're called telenovelas
Scuba Diving and the ocean
Writing: Edwin is a contributing writer with Scripture Union for the devotional series Light to My Path and has authored Field Manual: Faith and Valor (a second edition is in the works) as well as a children's book titled Hero Island
Breakfast burritos and Popeye's Chicken
Motorcycle rides
Taking the kids on adventures
One early morning, Edwin Samson and Sean Ambrose took to the seas with two fishermen (Joseph and Kuya Boy) to document and experience a day in their lives as fishermen. They got the boats ready by 1am and pushed off by 2am. Traveling for 3 hours, they made it to their destination. Though Edwin wanted to use the experience to bond with the men who were a part of the ministry and to better relate to them for discipleship purposes, it was them who taught Edwin how to listen for God's gentle whisper. For the transcript to the poem, view the blog post here. If you would like to download the full video file, click here.