We are Edwin, Amy, Josiah, and Amalie Samson
We are followers of Jesus Christ who love God and love people. Our goal in life as a family is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. The U.S. based mission organization we belong to is Mission Quest and the community development project we run overseas is called the International Service Corps of Asia. Our assignment is in the Philippines but when we're home, we spend most of our time in Mississippi and California. We aim to live and love as Christ did among “under-served” or “unreached” people groups (primarily Muslims or tribes in the Philippines) and multiply the talents God has given us for the Kingdom. We are also passionate about mobilizing Filipinos to other parts of the world, mainly within Southeast Asia. We prioritize the poor, disenfranchised, and marginalized. Follow our story and find out how you can help. See what God has already been doing through our Newsletter Archives and rejoice with us!
...we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, "The Lord has done great things for them. The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy." Psalm 126:1-2
We’re inviting you to come join us out here in the Philippines! Check out the promo video to get a taste of what you’ll be doing!
Learn about who we are, our mission, our methods, passions, and stay updated. Check out our non-profit website at www.iservicecorps.org. Find us on Facebook and Instagram too! You can also view our newsletter archive. Here you’ll find detailed updates and videos of all that’s been happening or sign up for regular updates that get delivered to your email.
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Ready to take the next step? Help us save lives, physically and spiritually. You can become a supporter to the cause and be a part of changing someone’s life. Click on the link below to check out a couple of infographics and watch a video to give you a brief glimpse. We can't do the ministry without your help so consider partnering!
One early morning, Edwin Samson and Sean Ambrose took to the seas with two fishermen (Joseph and Kuya Boy) to document and experience a day in their lives as fishermen. They got the boats ready by 1am and pushed off by 2am. Traveling for 3 hours, they made it to their destination. Though Edwin wanted to use the experience to bond with the men who were a part of the ministry and to better relate to them for discipleship purposes, it was them who taught Edwin how to listen for God's gentle whisper.